Mobile App Development
- #mobile app
- #adaptation
- #iOS
- #Android
Nowadays the brand website has already become a mandatory requirement of any modern company, and now it is time draw your attention to the development of a mobile application for Android and iOS. This is an opportunity to attract active network users, increase company’s market activities, sales and profits.
We develop applications on the most popular platforms: Android and iOS.
Approaches to Mobile App Development
Definition of target audience
An audience is determined, Persons are determined, individual Portraits are created and a customer journey map is used considering them.
Human Centered Design
Is a design strategy and process when a lot of attention is paid to the needs, desires and limitations of the final users of the product and this need is emphasized at each stage of the design development process.
The principles of UI/UX design development:
- UX should become the cornerstone thinking principle, not just a single step in the procedure
- We take UI as a joke - if you need to explain it, it is not good enough
- All pages must be accessible in at least three clicks
- Use real content in your design
Definition of MVP. Prioritize BackLog
The MoSCoW method is useful when you are setting priorities in a product backlog. Unlike some other methods of priority determination, this model helps to highlight many useful user stories, those that are specifically useful for the outcomes.
Stages of Mobile App development
On this stage we are analyzing your business processes and the work of the company. We study the interested persons, collecting all the requirements due to the working plan.
We will develop the prototypes and will set a clickable user-flow for the evaluation of the offered informational architecture, interactive design and usability.
On this stage the architecture is formed and the app is factually developed.
Is a final and a very important stage of mobile app creation that guarantees the quality of the product.